Meet your photographer

Right after high school I decided that I wanted to learn the ins and outs of my camera, the settings, editing, etc. from the best of the best - which was at Hallmark Institute of Photography in Massachusetts. In June of 2015 I graduated with my Photography Certificate and couldn’t wait to come home and put what I had learned into motion. 

This led me to the realization that I love multiple niches resulting in wearing multiple hats! Bride needing help with your veil? I gotchu! Need someone to play peek-a-boo with your toddler to get the smile? I can relate ‘cause I myself am in that youngen stage!

People describe me as:









From student to wife to mother to business owner

Ready for a short story time? Okay, let’s go….

Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to be a photographer. I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I would always be in charge of the film camera that my parents would get at Walmart (who remembers those?!). I used to look at National Geographic magazines for hours and pretend our cats were lions (yes, you can laugh). But, when I got into HS I felt like being a photographer wouldn’t be a realistic option, so I focused on majoring in Farm & Ranch management. Which was the plan until 6 weeks before graduation. My second mother encouraged me to at least check out this photography school in Massachusetts, so we did! 

And I fell in love.

I’m so glad that I decided to go to photography school & thankful every day for the knowledge I gained. One mentor I had said, “What you learned in 10 months took me 10 years to learn on my own”.

Trying to make a living when I moved back to western North Dakota was not working out the way I had thought though. So I decided to get “a real job” at a bank in Northeastern Montana where I worked for 4 years. Once my son was born though, I struggled so badly going back to work. I wanted to raise my children, witness firsthand all the firsts, and just be there! But after just 8 months back from maternity leave, and missing all the firsts, I prayed that God would give me another option. Shortly after that, someone asked if I would do a session. 


Starting a small business was one of the greatest (scary at times) decisions I’ve ever made! But I wouldn’t trade it for anything – I get to meet some of the greatest humans on earth and capture moments for others that I hold dearly.

Meet my family!

Jacob, my husband, and I actually went to school together in the small town of Circle, MT. We got married in June 2017, and we've welcomed three kiddos to our lives; Michael in January 2019, Charlotte in September 2021, and Josephine in October 2023.


I believe everyone needs an outlet; mine just happens to be photography.

I always thought I'd be working for National Geographic, but during photography school I realized this is where I needed to be. Everyone told me I was great with people & tend to be a stern peacekeeper (gotta love those traits embedded in our DNA from our parents!) but I also turn into quite the nerd when I'm geeking out on creating bomb images - so be prepared! I've learned so many things about myself while pursuing photography & believe it is what makes me truly happy. Since jumping into this all in - two feet - in February 2020, I've met some of the most incredible people. Being a small business owner has opened my eyes to how small this world truly is. I can't wait to meet you!!

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This quote speaks so much truth for me, 

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” -Mark Twain